8 Ways to Deal With Toxic People

All of us have or will deal with people that exhibit toxic traits (if not then 👀). Identifying a toxic person can be difficult and traits vary. In general, a toxic person is someone who is consistently judgmental, manipulative, demanding, and selfish. These traits typically originate from trauma, low self-esteem, and a lack of stability.

Identifying red flags before getting involved is the best way to avoid future turmoil, but is not always possible. Toxic people are consistently involved in drama and very rarely take accountability or admit their mistakes. They disclose personal information early and often to gain sympathy or support. They focus on irrelevant details which distract from the main points. People with toxic traits may exhibit neediness, lack long-term friendships/relationships, frequently gaslight, and lack consistency.

Here are the best ways to tackle toxic people:

  1. Be blunt and clear: Verbalize your expectations and don’t allow room for misinterpretation (intentionally or unintentionally).

  2. Put yourself first: Make yourself a priority. Don’t neglect your well-being for someone else's happiness, especially when it’s not reciprocated.

  3. Use avoidance: Limit your time with and around toxic people. Say only what’s necessary and disengage when you can.

  4. Create a daily script: Sticking to a script when things get uncomfortable can help you regain power. Remind yourself “This is not about me. I will not take it personally”.

  5. Read their body language. It’s been said that more than 60% of communication is non-verbal. Learn what their smile, hand gestures, arm positions, and personal space mean then act accordingly.

  6. Set boundaries: Identify and discuss your non-negotiables. When your boundaries are violated follow through with consequences.

  7. Disengage from drama: Don’t feed into their stories of drama and don’t become part of the story. Try not to reinforce the behavior.

  8. Say NO: It is ok to say no if you feel uncomfortable or unhappy with a situation. Practice saying no and get comfortable communicating your boundaries.

Trust your gut and tap into how people make you feel. Do certain people make you tenser? More irritable? Your physical and emotional responses to a person say a lot. Identifying the traits of a toxic person and having a plan of action gives you more control of the outcome.

✌️Be Well


Food for Thought 🫐🥑


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